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الرئيسيةالبوابةأرسل مقالالتسجيلدخول

 Why the USA Arabs

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
صديق فيروزي متميز جدا
صديق فيروزي متميز جدا

علم الدولة : Syria
الجنس : ذكر
المشاركات : 9804
الإقامة : Sweden
العـمل : IT-computer
المزاج : Good
السٌّمعَة : 316
التسجيل : 09/02/2007

Why the USA  Arabs Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Why the USA Arabs   Why the USA  Arabs Emptyالخميس يونيو 23, 2011 8:58 pm

The “Arabs” in the US are the most educated and the richest?
The latest statistics performed in the US have demonstrated
the following facts, relative to the 5.3 million of Arabic descent:
61% of the Arabs (Lebanese, Syrians, Egyptians, Palestinians,
Iraqis, North Africans…)
earned the highest university degrees versus
30% of the average US citizens
The average Arab in the US earn $54,000 versus 43,000
57% of the Arabs in the US own single family homes versus 43%
The Arabs in the US hold the highest posts and the most private
businesses than the other US minorities, including European, Japanese,
and Chinese.
The Lebanese constitute 40% of the total Arab US,
followed by the Syrians (12.3%), the Egyptians (12%), the Palestinians (6%)….
The Christians among the Arabs in the US form 63% and the Moslems 24%.
John Stewart Kenneth said:
“The Arabs are starting to scare us with
their intelligence and competitiveness.
Even our thinking are
challenged and changed.
Once opportunities for freedom, justice were
available to the US Arabs, they advanced in accelerated speed. The US
Arabs came from poor countries
and reacted to their former indignities
in their original countries by showing us to the second rank in our
Moses Naeem, founder of “Foreign Policies” in the USA wrote an
article saying:
“Why Arab descendents are more successful than most
ordinary US citizens? Why are they more intelligent and richer? Why in
such a hurry?”
The Zionist lobby is reacting vehemently to these new finding:
Zionists kept the stigma of stupid Arabs for 6 decades and showing them
as terrorists and lazy in Hollywood movies.

عدل سابقا من قبل Amer Husari في الخميس يونيو 23, 2011 9:11 pm عدل 2 مرات
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
صديق فيروزي متميز جدا
صديق فيروزي متميز جدا

علم الدولة : Syria
الجنس : ذكر
المشاركات : 9804
الإقامة : Sweden
العـمل : IT-computer
المزاج : Good
السٌّمعَة : 316
التسجيل : 09/02/2007

Why the USA  Arabs Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why the USA Arabs   Why the USA  Arabs Emptyالخميس يونيو 23, 2011 9:08 pm

Part 2. Why the “Arabs” in the US are the most educated and the richest?

The latest statistics performed in the US have sent shock waves in
the US community because of widespread discrimination of “Arabs” in the
medias. The statistics demonstrated the following facts, relative to
the 5.3 million of Arabic descent:

61% of the Arabs, mainly Lebanese (40%), Syrians (12.3%), Egyptians
(12%), Palestinians (6%), Iraqis, North Africans… earned the highest
university degrees versus 30% of the average US citizens

The average “Arab” in the US earn $54,000 versus 43,000
57% of the “Arabs” in the US own single family homes versus 43%
The Arabs in the US hold the highest posts and the most private
businesses than the other US minorities, including European, Japanese,
and Chinese.
John Stewart Kenneth said: “The Arabs are starting to scare us with
their intelligence and competitiveness. Even our thinking are
challenged and changed. Once opportunities for freedom, justice were
available to the US Arabs, they advanced in accelerated speed. The US
Arabs came from poor countries and reacted to their former indignities
in their original countries by showing us to the second rank in our
Moses Naeem, founder of “Foreign Policies” in the USA wrote an
article saying: “Why Arab descendents are more successful than most
ordinary US citizens? Why are they more intelligent and richer? Why in
such a hurry?”

Indeed why?

First, we need to differentiate amng the Arabic speaking people, if
explanations are to get to target. The “Arabs” mentioned in the
statistics are 70% from the Levant or Near East States (Lebanon, Syria,
Palestine). And the facts in the statistics, including the Egyptians,
are not restricted to the US, but is predominant in most developed
countries where “Arabs” had to immigrate to.

Is it simple because of the availability in opportunities for
“freedom and justice”? It is more complicated than this simplistic
concept that is monopolized by the Western States.

The first immigrants at the turn of the century to the US were
Lebanese and Syrians, called Turks because holding Ottoman passports at
the time. Immigrants had bought tickets with the intention of
specifically “going to America, the USA”. Most of them were diverted
to Africa, Latin America, and islands by ship captains, for efficient
turnover of customers, at every port. They were fleeing for economic
hardship, before immigrating for political reasons after WWII.

The most educated and well-to-do among immigrants went to Palestine,
and particularly to Egypt where they were the vanguard in creating
daily presses and disseminating the notion of freedom of expressions
and promoting the values of Western Europe in matters of democracy,
republic, equality, constitutional political systems, and justice to
all under the law…

In the 20′s and 30′s Lebanese settled in Palestine: Business was
brisk, schooling was expanding and needing educators, and agricultural
lands were relatively unexpensive compared to Lebanon.

People in the Levant and Egypt were, since antiquity, the backbone
of civilization for millennium. They remained the source of
civilization and culture during the Islamic hegemony for 9 centuries
after 640 AC. Basically, the Levant was a crossroad to all the
immigrants fleeing from the east, due to wars or economical hardships.
In period of coming calamities, the settled immigrants in the Levant
would venture further westward, around the Mediterranean Sea basin.

These historical facts may not be relevant to the subject matter,
but it is worth mentioning. The human brain is flexible and adaptive:
Any second generation immigrant, supported by a network of extended
family, from any origin he happened to be, is likely to succeed in
communities with vast available opportunities in education, work, and
sustainable and stable law and order institutions.

Why the Arabs of the Levant and Egyptians in the US are being so successful?

Never under-estimate to delicious and varieties in the Lebanese
cuisine: “satisfy the stomach and abiding by customs and traditions
would follow”. The immigrants constituted tight family communities,
and barely diverted from the guidelines of visiting frequently and
sharing in the frequent festivities. The second generation witnessed
the hardship and determination of their parents for securing the best
education and immersion in the local communities.

The extended family community kept the children close to the nucleus
and got all the practical and financial aid they needed to succeed.
Everybody in the extended family shared in the expenses and the
success stories.

Traditionally, what were considered good educational disciplines
were engineering, medicine, and law. Most important of all, babies
drank politics from early childhood: Political discussions were scenes
of heated debate and the world was its theater. Thus, you are brought
up to know a lot of geography and history. Learning more than two
languages was a must and communication is not a major problem.

The Levant immigrants have high feeling of competition and drive to
acceeding to higher status compared to the neighbors (whoever is the
neighbor): Humility is not their strongest trait (not many earned
Nobel Prizes!)

The Levant immigrants are not famous for creating sustainable
institutions, associations or organizations. It is these frequent
gathering of the extended family, for one occasion or another and
sharing good food, that provide the basis for this large network of
“soft power” among acquaintances for referals and disseminating
intelligence pieces of new programs, policies, and regulations that
facilitate grabbing opened opportunities to wants and wishes.
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Why the USA Arabs
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